Saturday, October 11, 2008

Four year rant

So the election season is looking like its pretty much over. Unless Obama plans on rebutting McCain in the final debate solely by projecting his voice to his butt, he's got this thing wrapped up. And its looking like its going to be a landslide.

So I should be thrilled, right? I mean, I'm a 20-something year-old male from the East Coast whose major occupation over the past decade has been studying trivial bullshit that I might be able to use at cocktail parties. Fuck, I'm even starting to use the term cocktail party. You can almost see my Obama/MLK XXXL "Dream" t-shirt if you stare closely enough through the screen.

But I'm really just disappointed. At the beginning of February, I figured this would be the first election in my lifetime that wouldn't be between a giant douche and a turd sandwich. Two guys that were supposedly above partisan politics, who actually thoughtfully deliberated on issues, instead of reading off the memo from their respective party's think tank. Now I realize that these guy's are so beholden to the biggest bunch of bozos this side of the Atlantic that its really just a matter of picking my poison. I realize a lot of my thinking is "guilt by association," but at a certain point, you expect these semi-intelligent men to stand back and realize, wow, I am totally surrounded by a bunch of douche nozzles.

Choice 1: You have a guy who gave almost a MILLION dollars to a group that for the past 4 presidential elections has distinguished itself for its complete disregard for electoral procedures. What was this money for? To help voter registration. He then was so desperate to get in good with unions that he started spouting stupid isolationist diatribes against globalism. Then, when he realized he was actually saying this stuff on national TV when people with half a brain cell could listen, he all of sudden backtracked on everything he said. Hey, its just words! But those are just the constituents he's trying to appease. WITHIN his circle of advisers he chose Jim Johnson. A man who made a good chunk of money figuring out ways to get health insurance executives MORE money (of course, this was after he held positions at Lehman Brother and Fannie Mae, and took loans from Countrywide). Home run.

That brings us to Choice 2: The guy who pretty much hammered the final nail in the coffin of whatever iota of intellect that was left in the GOP by picking Vice President Rambo. I didn't think it was possible to get a generation of Jewish grandma's to vote against McCain, but the maverick figured it out: find a woman who epitomizes shiksa, who named her child after an 8th grade math class. Her greatest accomplishment so far has been NOT to act like a TOTAL ding-dong on at least one televised event. This is the guy whose decided his main constituents are going to be named after a means of packaging beer. Between you and me, I think Joe Six-Pack has become a little bit smug with all the media attention; its time we start representing Steve Thirty-Rack or Kenny Keg-Stand. The idea is we find someone so inebriated and stupid that when you unveil your plan to save the economy, he won't realize it was already packaged into legislation that's been on the news non-stop for the past 72 hours.

The good news? I found this video:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Can I get an AMEN!!! yes please!


Well it looks like you are stuck between a rock and a hard place.

But in all fairness this election does not represent a choice between two mediocre candidates. We have on the left a man, who pulled himself up by his "bootstraps" and excelled at almost everything he has taken aim at (give him room to make mistakes
). On the right we have an individual who was raised with everything handed to him on a silver spoon. He did not excel, but maintained just enough to get by and when that was not sufficient he invoked his family name (this happened on multiple occasions).

So who do I want to lead this country... someone with the experience to conquer the unknown, someone who can handle complex problems and consult his staff who can provide constructive criticism.