Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Olympic guest post

South Korea is currently in third place in the 2008 Olympic medal count, with 12. Nearly all of those medals are in sports derived from warfare, with the sole exceptions of swimming, which some may argue is merely a good way to creep up on your enemies, and weightlifting, which, after watching the The Incredible Hulk, could probably be considered about as badass a form of combat as anything Marvel Comics can dream up. They hold medals in Archery, Fencing, Shooting, Judo, and of course, Drew's favorite, Greco-Roman Wrestling. I guess when you share your sole land boarder with a rouge nation boasting the fifth largest standing army in the world and a maniacal man-boy leader, it influences your athletic pursuits and pastimes.

-Epoche blog chief paranoia contributor, Dekker Deacon

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